- Membership is open to graduates of the Newcomers’ Club of Greater Victoria, NCGV (formerly the Saanich Newcomers’ Club), regardless of the year of graduation. Members have the option of rejoining if they have not joined Swans for a number of years.
- Membership is open to the members of the Victoria Evening Newcomers’ Club (VENC) and to the members of Newcomers of Victoria Alumnae (NOVA).
- Membership is open to other interested women in the Greater Victoria community, upon approval by the Executive.
- Only members who have paid their annual dues, submitted a membership form and agreed to The Terms and Conditions of membership are entitled to participate in the Activity/Interest Groups of the Club.,
- Length of membership is unlimited.
- Members will have access to the Policies and Procedures of the Club on the website.
- Members will have access to our secure website for a list of members. This list is solely for the conduct of club activities and the private and confidential use of members and is not to be used for sales, solicitation for commercial or charitable purposes or distribution outside the Club.
- Members may bring guests to luncheons.
- Members shall be held responsible for any charges incurred on their behalf for a luncheon or other reservation not cancelled prior to the time the Club’s representative has guaranteed the number attending.
- Annual membership dues, in an amount determined by the Executive, must be paid by the September meeting and shall cover the period from the previous AGM to the next AGM.
- Commitment to Privacy – the Club will comply with the Personal Information and Privacy Act. Members’ personal information shall only be collected and published for use by current members and for carrying out club activities. No member’s personal information will be used for commercial purposes.
- Liability – All activities of the Club are arranged and carried out by its members without remuneration and solely for the benefit of its members. It is therefore a condition precedent of membership that neither the Club nor any member shall be liable to any other member for any damages or injury, however caused, suffered in consequence of taking part in any interest group activity or function arranged or conducted by the Club.
- SWANS’ Use of Images: Photos taken at SWANS’ general meetings or SWANS’ interest groups may be posted on the SWANS’ secure website. You agree that the onus is on you to remove yourself from a potential or actual photo shoot if you do not want your photo taken or published on the SWANS’ secure website.
- By submitting a membership application, you agree to these terms and conditions.
(Updated June 20, 2023)